Know What is Happening Around You

The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. But, as in every army, the soldier obeys blindly, and the war aims and operating plans change without his knowledge. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. There is no more appalling caricature of freedom of thought. Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to want to think, and this they consider freedom.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

TSI and ROC Ambassador agree that RCDF needs reform

Editor's Desk

The Republic of China (ROC) Ambassador, His Excellency George Chan and Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) Chair, Mr. Bob Pollard along with TSI Executive Officer Acting, Mr. Steward Tabo met on Thursday 11th August. The meeting was to discuss TSI’s concerns over the Rural Constituency Development Fund (RCDF) which has been funded by ROC overa number of years.

TSI had requested the Taiwanese Government to reconsider Taiwan’s support to the RCDF, claiming that the RCDF fuels corruption in Solomon Islands. The Taiwan chapter of Transparency International had also applied pressure on the Taiwan government over this issue, His Excellency acknowledged.

His Excellency George Chan acknowledged that the claims of corruption surrounding the RCDF were a great concern to Taiwan. This was particularly upsetting to him and his Government given the significant donor assistance that Taiwan has provided to the Solomon Islands, for example the construction of the National Referral Hospital and current funding for the expansion of the National Parliament complex.

While the Ambassador was not prepared to acknowledge that the RCDF has fuelled corruption, citing that no MPs had been convicted of corruption with the RCDF, TSI officers insisted that it would be better if Solomon Islands Government agreed for the Republic of China to put its generous donor assistance to other more productive causes
like education and infrastructure development rather than these discretionary funds.

At the meeting the Ambassador explained that the RCDF was not Taiwan’s idea or creation. The Ambassador also acknowledged that Taiwan does not provide such discretionary funds to its own Members of Parliament (MPs) in Taiwan.

TSI affirmed to the Ambassador that it will continue to call on the Government to abolish the members’ discretionary funds, including the RCDF. TSI says that any new Government that is serious about reducing corruption in our country would show its real commitment by abolishing the RCDF. The Taiwanese Ambassador and TSI representatives ended the meeting by agreeing to TSI’s position that a reform to the Taiwan funding of the RCDF is urgently needed.

The Ambassador stated that they have all the records of former MPs’ spending of the RCDF and that he could make it available to TSI if the Solomon Islands government agrees to release them to TSI. TSI acknowledged that this would be appreciated as the former Ministry of Rural Development Permanent Secretary had denied TSI access to these

His Excellency was aware of a number of cases besides RCDF where ROC funds had been abused, citing as an example ROC’s computer assistance to schools. Despite His Excellency’s suggestion at the time that the procurement arrangements were improper, his concerns had not been accepted. The Ambassador is disappointed that the people responsible for what appeared to be corruption had not been brought to justice and consequently schools had missed out on the wonderful opportunity provided by ROC.

His Excellency affirmed that Taiwan would continue to be a reliable donor to Solomon Islands and appreciates TSI’s concerns and commitment in trying to persuade the Solomon Islands Government to reform the RCDF.

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