Know What is Happening Around You

The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. But, as in every army, the soldier obeys blindly, and the war aims and operating plans change without his knowledge. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. There is no more appalling caricature of freedom of thought. Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to want to think, and this they consider freedom.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Editor's Desk.

The Commission of Inquiry into Land dealings on Guadalcanal is to be suspended, the Office of the Prime Minister announced today.

“Serious allegations have been made, and, as a responsible government that we are, it is felt the only way to deal with this is to suspend the inquiry,” a spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office said.

“Accordingly, the Commission of Inquiry into Land Dealings on Guadalcanal is suspended for two months with immediate effect. Given the gravity of the allegations coming from within the Commission of Inquiry itself, we believe the decision to suspend it is warranted and provides an opportunity for everyone including staff members whose names have been linked to these allegations to clear their names,” the spokesman said.

The spokesman said the temporary reprieve [suspension] would give the Government time to investigate the range of allegations that the Counsel Assisting the Inquiry, Ruth Townsend, had made.

“This is an Inquiry, which was set up by the previous Administration. The decision by the Government to suspend it for two months is intended to ensure that the good intention of the Inquiry for a positive outcome is preserved,” he said.
A Taskforce would be put together to undertake this assignment.

Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the Commission of Inquiry Into Land Dealings on Guadalcanal should resume after New Year.

Meanwhile the Government said today the other body, the Commission of Inquiry into RIPEL would be suspended indefinitely in line with the National Coalition for Reform and Advancement [NCRA] Government’s Policy.

“The Government has made it clear from the outset that it wants a new investor for RIPEL, hence we’ve taken the position that the Inquiry should stop to help save costs,” the spokesman said.

1 comment:

  1. that right the COI was established for good purposes but deviated from its objectives as selfish and shortsighted people take advantages of the opportunity to extort funds for their own benefits.

    Thank you NCRA and why Chairman left the country to PNG.

    All the bests.


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